Antonio Piazza

Emeritus Fellows / Lifetime Achievement
Practicing In: California
Member Since: 2000


Mediated Ne;tiations
601 California Street
Suite 750
San Francisco, CA 94108


Antonio “Tony” Piazza is the recipient of the ACCTM 2000 Lifetime Achievement Award.

Antonio Piazza is recognized as one of the leading mediators in the world.

Mr. Piazza is a 1974 graduate of the New York University School of Law. He pioneered the development of mediated ne;tiations as the preferred alternative to protracted conflict in complex civil disputes, having successfully mediated the resolution of more than four thousand cases since 1980.

These have included some of the most complex, high stakes and high profile disputes in the commercial sphere. They have involved the world’s preeminent companies, business leaders, and law firms, and have routinely reached resolution in a single day of mediated ne;tiations.

Individual settlements have exceeded one billion dollars.

Mr. Piazza’s unique ability to resolve immensely complex issues in intensely focused sessions has also proven a resource for reaching closure in time-driven business deals and international ne;tiations.


Education / Training


Types of Cases Mediated